On Saturday, two of my really good friends, Masha and Masha (did I mention my name is Masha too?) came to bake a cake. They came around noon, and no one had a coffee yet, so that's where we decided to start. Why not to add a little something to it?
Coffee and Baileys
The coffee was good. The food was even better. We've made some eggs Benedicts for three of us.
And drinks that followed were even better.
As for the cake - it was fun to make and fun to eat!
Good Saturday!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I haven't been a good blogger, but hopefully that is about to change. I feel like I need to post something extremely good (well, all my breakfast items are really good, but this one is exceptionally good!)
Potato cakes with smoked salmon
For the potato cakes you'll need: 2 medium starchy potatoes (Idaho ones are good) 2 tbsp of butter milk (substitute with plain yogurt if you don't have buttermilk) 1 tbsp of flour salt, pepper to taste oil for frying (about 1|3) of a cup
Shred the potatoes and mix with buttermilk and flour. Add salt and pepper. Mix well. Spoon the mixture onto a hot pan with heated oil. Spread a little bit, helping yourself with a spoon. Let fry till nice brown color on one side, flip it to another side and fry till cooked. Put cooked cakes onto the paper towel to observe excess oil. To keep potatoes warm, put them onto a baking dish and keep in the oven (preheated to 200F) until ready to serve.
For the sour-cream sause you'll need: 1/2 cup of sour cream 1 clove of garlic hand full of parsley half of small onion or 3-4 scallions salt
Chop the garlic and the onions very nicely, mix with sour cream, add chopped parsley, salt to taste.
Arrange Potato cakes on the platter, add a table spoon of sour cream mixture, top with peace of smoked salmon.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I think I forgot about this... oh! how tasty is home made lox! I can eat it every day and not get bored with it!
And much more from this week... just pictures...
boiled egg with sausage and toast with cream cheese
I can't believe that I haven't updated this blog for a week... It's been more than a week since we went to eat brunch at Laudisio, Italian restaurant.
I've been there before twice for dinner, and the food was really good. So, I thought that I would be equally happy with their brunch. I guess first upset came from half empty restaurant. I just don't feel comfortable there. But it's ok. I understand, not everyone likes brunch.
Then we were served bread, oh! that was delicious! and some bloody Marys. Those were not so good. I think they use store bought mix... they were spicy, but I think tabasco spicy... not that great.
I ordered duck confit with potato cakes and fried egg... I think I though there would be some meat and some potatoes and egg.. but actually duck was mixed in cakes (I guess) which were not hot at all... the egg was good thought :))))
Jacko ordered fritatta, which quite frankly doesn't look like fritatta to me :) But she said it tasted good!
And Dan had some bacon sandwich with fried egg, which I think was ok as well.
So, not so bad overall, but I thought my first brunch experience would be much better...
Well, if I wake up and I am hungry - I eat! Even if I know I'm going to eat brunch couple of hours later. So, first, let's start savory french toast and some cheese.
This followed by a brunch at Laudisio. Well, this was my first brunch experience, and I wish I could say "what a brunch it was!", but I can't...
to be cont.
Monday, February 2, 2009
So, my computer went to a better place. actually if I think about it, it really should have gone to hell!!! It was bad. really bad! Oh! Makes me mad just thinking about that! But now it's all better. I'm getting used to my new pretty MacBook. And I think it's going to be a long and happy love story.
Of course, I've been taking pictures of food. I don't think that at this point anything can stop me from doing it.
Breakfast 1. From Jan 30th, Friday. Semolina kasha (kind of like grids I guess). Really good with sour cherry jam!
Ah! Reminds me of childhood! Usually kids (3 and above) hate this thing, but I always was a big lover! Taking each tablespoon with a little bit of melted butter and a little bit of jam! To die for!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Not so bad today! Actually pretty good breakfast! This recipe is enough for two people.
Cheese pancakes
1 egg 1/4 cup milk 2 tbsp. oil 1/2 cup graded cheese 1/2 cup flour 1/2 tsp baking powder pinch of salt
Cook on a hot griddle, using about 1 tbsp of batter for each pancake. Cook until brown on one side and around edge; turn and brown the other side. whisk egg and milk. Mix dry ingredients with cheese. Combine dry and wet ingredients. let the dough sit for about 5-10 minutes, and then
I really like eating yogurt. And if I remember, I put some serial or granola on the top, to add some crunch to it. So, smart me, decided that instead of adding milk to my bowl of serial, I can add yogurt! How tasty that should be! Not! At all!
It might look ok, but believe me, it's not! The yogurt combined with sweet flakes taste too sour for some reason, the flakes don't soften enough and scrape your throat. Not good. Not! So, don't try it at home!
Well, that it not all. Nor very satisfied from the first tablespoons, I've decided to scoop out the yogurt and add good old fashioned milk to my serial. Well, one needs to taste milk before adding it anywhere! It was sour! Of course!
I was so upset, and so late for school that I even thought that I would have to leave without breakfast this time, but I couldn't I just couldn't!
I didn't have time to think about anything special that Tuesday morning, so oatmeal it was! Again! with cottage cheese, again! with honey and dried fruits, again! So, one can think it's boring... but what a view I had that morning!
A day of snowing and that's what we get! Pretty cool I should say!
Oh, well, this is a breakfast blog, so I'm just going to post another breakfast picture... Another bowl of good old fashioned oatmeal!
Typical Monday morning "I'm hungry and need to loose weight" breakfast. Couple years ago I didn't see myself eating oatmeal everyday. Well, I still think that eggs are much more superior in their taste, but... a girl that want's not to gain any weight has to give something up. I give up big and hearty breakfast during the week. But oatmeal is really not so bad. I learned to like it a lot, and don't mind it now at all. Oatmeal with raisins, cranberries and walnuts. Some honey and a tablespoon of cottage cheese make it even healthier and more delish.
I don't know if it's a right thing to do, but I almost can't eat my breakfast without checking email and searching internet.
I'm pretty sure I'll post much more pictures about oatmeal breakfast...
Lovely morning. Woke up semi late. Reminded my boyfriend how much he likes donuts and that he needs to go get some. Well, the thing is, I don't really like donuts. But he does, and he gets them from Safeway and they have a Starbucks there... and I don't have a coffee maker and I love drinking coffee on weekends! So, I got coffee for breakfast!!! La la la! While he was gone, I've made myself a Lazy breakfast. Simple, fast, tasty and lazy.
Toast and fried egg with another toast with cream cheese and eggplant spread.
Good start of the day.
January 24th, 6th annual MFL ski day, organized and supported by some of my friends. This was my first day of skiing this winter. It was great a great day! lots of fresh snow, warm weather, pretty scenery, fun people.
Traditionally at the end of the day, people who support the event ski down Mary Jane trail.
Usually, one of my favorite things about skiing is getting a bagel and a coffee before hitting the road. So, that's what we did. My choice is always the same. Evth bagel with veggie cream cheese from Einstein bros.
Unfortunately I have to say that this time the food was not as good as I wanted it to be. The "everything" didn't stay on the bagel, it felt like enst. bros. were running out of cream cheese and their toaster didn't work properly. So this time breakfast wasn't my favorite part of the ski day... I guess it happens.
Friday, January 23, 2009
For the first time in a very long time I wasn't hungry when I woke up. Maybe it's lack of sleep (played poker till 1am last night) or maybe tons of popcorn and bite of mcdonald's burger and some french fries right before I went to bed... So I left the house without any breakfast! Shame on me! Even worse, I didn't take my camera to take a picture of what became my breakfast.
I had cheese and ham croissant with coffee from Roma Cafe on the Hill. I probably shoudn't have. It was tasty but thinking about all those calories makes me regret my decision. Well, it was really really tasty, so I think once in a while I shouldn't worry so much about all that calorie nonsense.
So, I don't have a picture of today's breakfast, but I can't finish this post without posting this about 3 month old picture of wonderful "eggs in a nest" breakfast.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I am a big breakfast believer. I think people who say they don't have time to eat breakfast really getting up, brushing their teeth and running of the door half naked. It takes 5 minutes to boil hot water for your tea, pour milk over serial and eat it all. Why give it up?
This post meant to be posted yesterday. Oh, my! It's not really easy to blog every day! But I'll try! I'll try!
here is my breakfast from last morning. Cheese muffin and Danon Yogurt. Big cup of tea, of course... Speaking of Danon. After Christmas and other 'i cannot stop eating' holidays I thought that my digestive system needed some help. and decided to try 2 weeks of yogurt. I don't know, maybe it's me, or maybe my problem wasn't so bad, but I didn't feel much difference. oh, well. I like yogurt anyways, and this one is not so expencive, so i'm still buying it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
So, starting from right now, I'm a blogger.
What is this one about? It's about breakfast. No matter how simple, no matter how complicated, all my breakfasts are going to end up here. And I hope some one will like it.
It's a project. I'm going to write 365 posts about breakfast and post about the same number of pictures of those breakfasts.
I hope someone will enjoy it as much as I enjoy my breakfast.